The  letter game: customer feedback

for  improv/ESL groups
What is nice about this exercise is that it is on the borders of creative writing and improv.
While you do not have to, students can write a line then read it out loud.
This is quite reassuring for beginning actors or weak ESL students.
(or teachers unfamilar with theatre)

one  employee
one unhappy client
they write letters to each other

Initially, adhere to the facts  of the case and
do not allow emotions to become involved
But letters are a theater for conflicts or disputes.
sarcasm and irony as well as putting strong opposite emotions into the reading of the message is priceless.
as in any improv the audience can change the
parameters changing the complaint, actors attitude,issuing
commands: "begin to like him" etc.
Talk to your partner or ask the audience for the situations
Chose to read your own letters by pretending to type/write as you improvise .
Or you canread the other's letters by adding your own thoughts in as asides or emotions in
their delivery Then silently reply with grimaces and gestures when your partner "reads". This can can get pretty silly.
Remember you are two so listen and react to the other.
Typical letter salutaions

Starting off with
dear sir or madam,
to whom it may concern,
and ending with
Yours Faithfully, Kind Regards,
All the best
sincerely yours,
 your humble servant

Of course as the skit unfolds these titles and phrases
 can change

By the way, if the  letter becomes personal or confidential
Mark private', top secret or 'Strictly Confidentia

Don't forget that you can  try to  inform a supervisor or two.
Defective situations
mail order bride or husband (get a new one?)
frequent wrong telephone number complaint.
Appliance (washing machine, dryer, refridgerator) acting strangely
Cable television, portable telephone, internet  subscription
Software problems

How about as a repeating theme? Each student is given a different personlity
one overly helpful employee battling against
bureaucratic restraints or totally disgruntled etc
A customer who must complain but is the official
peacemaker in their family or the most irritating person on this planet and so on
Business etiquette deals with building contacts based upon courtesy and politeness.
Being rude is a funny way to illustrate this fundamental principle.
e-mail me any other ideas
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